Feb 1, 2013

SnowCastle Hotal, Gulf of Bothnia, Finland

The SnowCastle of Kemi by the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland is the source of great pride as well as a true showcase of architectonic snow-work of the local constructors. Every winter  SnowCastle offers wonderful experiences for both children and adults alike. Great light-effects will add to the charm of the snow and ice sculpting as well as to the structures about the SnowCastle.
Pure white snow walls surround the gigantic SnowCastle, the artwork of ice and snow that can be found right by the sea near the city centre, from the end of January until beginning of April. The world's largest SnowRestaurant seats over 200 guests, SnowChapel with mystical atmosphere is a memorable venue for wedding ceremonies, SnowHotel with unique beautifully decorated snow rooms offers a true arctic adventure. All made entirely of snow and ice from the sea water. The enormous SnowCastle is a highly unique venue for visitors offering various activities in the weekly programme. SnowHotel is the World Luxury Hotel Global Award Winner - Bespoken Luxury Hotel 2016. Hotel is also the best Ecofriendly hotel in Finland 2016.

First SnowCastle was built in the city in 1996 as a present to all the children in the world. In 2017 SnowCastle of Kemi takes part in celebrating the 100 years of independency in Finland and the theme is Finland 100 years. Opening ceremony is held on 21st of January 2017.

Inside the towering walls of the SnowCastle both children and adults can find unforgettable experiences. The Artwork of ice and snow with lights and sound effects is a delight for the age and soul in this wintry scenery.

for more detailsSnowCastle Official website

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